All of our June financial guidance factsheets are available to download below. Each one focuses on a different financial aspect to help guide you when setting and reaching your financial goals. If there is anything you are unsure about, or would like further information, all of our independent financial advisers offer a free initial consultation. You can contact your local IFA here.
June 2024 financial guidance factsheets

Generational wealth perspectives
A recent study suggests that a substantial proportion of Generation Z, born from 1996 to 2010, view property acquisition as their principal avenue to amass wealth for their retirement years. This perspective is slightly more prevalent within this demographic than the reliance on pensions, with 33% of Gen Z individuals planning to utilise property as a retirement fund compared to 30% who favour pensions.

Looming pension pitfall
Recent investigations by the Centre for Economics and Business Research have illuminated a daunting predicament facing the United Kingdom’s pension sector. An alarming £50 billion of hard-earned pension funds could be in jeopardy, lost within neglected accounts or dispersed amongst a myriad of forgotten pots.
In 2023, it was surmised that upwards of 4.8 million pension pots had vanished from the radar of UK citizens, with approximately one in ten workers expressing concerns over a potentially misplaced pension pot valued at over £10,000.

Overcoming the gender investment disparity
A recent study has spotlighted women and investing, offering critical insights that aim to empower women to take the reins of their financial destinies and forge paths toward a prosperous future. Notably, an impressive majority of women (68%) engage in investment activities at least once a month, with over two-fifths (42%) diligently monitoring their savings and investments via online platforms or apps at least once weekly.
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